Mathematics Teacher GEMS Founders School Dubai

Full time @GEMS Education posted 1 year ago

Job Description

Mathematics Teacher at GEMS Founders School Dubai is responsible to teach and assess assigned students according to their educational needs and deliver the relevant curriculum, ensuring that each student achieves academic success. Contribute to the wider school community. The selected candidate is responsible for supervising assigned students, student activities and teaching assistants.

Responsibilities of Mathematics Teacher

  • Embrace and promote GEMS Core Values and standards of excellence.
  • Deliver the required curriculum, demonstrating a current and accurate understanding of curriculum and subject matter.
  • Plan and execute high quality lessons to inspire and engage students, utilizing appropriate materials and creating a conducive classroom environment for various learning styles.
  • Provide written evidence of planning and preparation upon request. Maintain records of curriculum, yearly plans, attendance, teaching resources, and assessment plans.
  • Ensure strict adherence to GEMS policies, procedures, and codes of conduct at all times.
  • Adapt teaching strategies to meet the individual needs and abilities of assigned students, including late entering students, ESL students, those with low academic ability, and gifted and talented students.
  • Assign and assess student work, recording and reporting on their academic development, progress, and achievements. Use assessment data to tailor the curriculum to individual student needs.
  • Demonstrate competence in utilizing media and technology in the classroom.
  • Monitor and supervise student behavior, implementing strategies to encourage self discipline and manage disruptive behavior.
  • Promote cultural awareness, understanding, and a love of learning among students.
  • Assist in planning and organizing school events and functions, including inter house competitions, concerts, school plays, and prize days.
  • Maintain regular communication with parents, promoting GEMS philosophy and core values while respecting student related information confidentiality.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to go above and beyond the typical workday when tasks require additional commitment.
  • Attend staff meetings and fulfill committee responsibilities as needed.

Job Requirements of Mathematics Teacher

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.
  • 0 to 2 year experience in similar role.

Skills & Knowledge Desired

  • Skilled teacher with solid commitment to teaching and learning and strong subject knowledge in relevant area.
  • Excellent communication skills able to build relationships with students and colleagues and contribute to wider school life.

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