Cover Teacher Nibras International School

Temporary @Nibras International School posted 1 year ago

Job Description

Nibras International School is looking for Temporary Cover Teacher to join the team in February. The job was announced by the school on January 31, 2024. Candidate desirous for the role should submit their application now.

Responsibilities of Cover Teacher

  • Represent areas of knowledge, understanding and skills to students.
  • Lead by example in the highest regard for truth, justice, equality of opportunity, human rights, benevolence and compassion.
  • Engage and motivate students to achieve at levels that are beyond their expectations and previous limits.
  • Use excellent subject knowledge, pedagogic and interpersonal skills to enthuse students and enable students to experience amazing learning.
  • Make full use of ICT and the new technologies to enhance the quality of teaching and learning for students of all ages and attainment levels.
  • Plan lessons taking full account of students’ individual learning needs, as well as their individual learning styles, preferences and capabilities.
  • Encourage and enable all students to become effective, confident and independent life long learners.
  • Maintain excellent professional relationships with colleagues by making a wider professional contribution to the continuing improvement of the school.
  • Plan and deliver a programme of learning opportunities and activities to enrich and enhance the taught curriculum.
  • Co operate with colleagues to establish and maintain fair and consistent disciplinary practices in the classroom, around the school and on school trips, and taking active measures to protect students from all forms of abuse, including racist or sexist abuse, bullying, and any kind of corporal punishment.
  • Communicate open and professionally with parents on a regular basis about the attainment and progress of their child.
  • Maintain high levels of confidentiality when speaking to parents and external parties.
  • Model good practice of academic practices.
  • Contribute actively to department discussions in academic meetings.
  • Contribute to and plan after school activities as required.
  • Actively support the school partnership with the community e.g. attending school / community events which may occasionally occur at weekends or in the evening i.e. school concerts etc.
  • Other responsibilities as reasonably requested.


  • Plan and prepare schemes of work and complete planning documentation.
  • Teach with consistent effectiveness the students in her/his classes, taking full account of all students’ individual educational needs.
  • Set and mark work to be carried out by the students in school, online, at home and elsewhere as appropriate.
  • Promote the intellectual, moral, spiritual, cultural, physical and personal abilities and aptitudes of the students in her/his classes and provide guidance and advice to students on educational and relevant social and other matters.
  • Make records of and reports on the personal and social needs of students.
  • Take part as appropriate in whole school development and share and promote best practice.

Assessment, recording and reporting

  • Assess, record and report on the development, progress and attainment of the students in her/his classes.
  • Provide or contribute to oral and written assessments, reports and references relating to individual students or groups of students.
  • Guide students to set targets to improve on their previous ‘best’ and give regular feedback to students to support next steps in learning.

Continuing Professional Development

  • Keep under review her/his methods of teaching and programmes of work.
  • Be pro active and take accountability for own development.
  • Participate in arrangements for her/his further training and professional development as a teacher.

Curriculum Development

  • Advise and co operate with the Principal and other colleagues on the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching schemes, methods of teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements.
  • Take responsibility for specific subjects.
  • To embed UAE heritage and culture within the curriculum.

Job Requirements of Cover Teacher

  • Education: Bachelor degree in the teaching subject
  • Experience: 2 years of teaching in a school.

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