Assistant Librarian Canadian University

Full time @Canadian University Dubai posted 1 year ago

Job Description

Canadian University Dubai (CUD) is recruiting for an Assistant Librarian to work within the Library Resource Center. Under the supervision of the Library Director, the assistant librarian is expected to perform a library customary operation to students, faculty & staff. He/ She will take part in the processing of library resources and provide assistance to the users. Ensure that students, faculty & staff are effective users of resources. Inspire students to be a critical thinkers, researchers, and independent learners of information. Infuse the love of learning and ensure equitable access to information.

Responsibilities of Assistant Librarian

Circulation services

  • Provides guidance to students and faculty in the use of library services, resources, and information technologies.
  • Provides reference and information services to library users.

Technical & collection services of Assistant Librarian

  • Examines and make records of pre ordering information.
  • Processing of newly acquired resources.
  • Prepare materials for binding.
  • Shelving of physical collections.

Teaching and research support of Assistant Librarian

  • Provide information literacy instruction in the classrooms/lab and one on one research assistance to help students learn on how to search scholarly resources effectively.
  • Create original MARC record classification of print, audio visual & electronic resources.

(Primary Tasks and Duties)

  • Implement library and information policies and procedures.
  • Aid patrons in the circulation desk – check in and check out items.
  • Provide reference services to patrons.
  • Assist in locating books, journals, library items and the use of OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue).
  • Maintains order of books in the shelf and ensure mis shelved books are kept in place.
  • Generate overdue fine and submit to the finance.
  • Receive and process newly acquired books.
  • Oversees and assist users on the use of computers, copy machines and equipment’s.
  • Assist the librarian in the inventory of collections.
  • Maintain daily circulation records & statistics.
  • Monitor the group study room bookings.
  • Generate and consolidate IL feedback survey.

(Secondary Tasks and Duties)

  • Conduct information literacy training to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students.
  • Copy cataloging.
  • Participate in projects and cross team working group.
  • Maintain overdue book list & communicate with users.
  • Generate reports.

Job Requirements of Assistant Librarian

  • Bachelor’s degree in library and information science or equivalent.
  • A minimum of 4-5 years’ work experience in an Academic University.
  • Experience in providing information literacy sessions.

Skills & Knowledge Desired

  • Library policies, procedures, ethics, and professional standards.
  • Research and information retrieval.
  • Knowledge on internet and other electronic databases.
  • Computer skills including the use and ability to manage the Library. Management System, online bibliographic utilities, and other information databases.
  • Analytical and decision making skills.
  • Excellent customer service.
  • Organizational skills.
  • Effective verbal, presentation and listening communication skills.
  • Ability to work as a team.
  • Time Management skills.
  • Stress management skills.

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